




  1. 誤って登録した海外の予定をバッチで修正する機能を追加。たとえば、5月1日 0:00 から 5/15 9:00までの予定を、JSTからPDTに修正する機能。これがないので、時差を考慮して予定の開始日時をずらしました。これで、勝手に時差を考慮するiPhoneアプリ SnapCalでもカレンダが正しく表示・更新できるようになりました。(実は、過去かなり長い時間、米国でありながら、日本時間で管理していたので、バッチ修正があれば、過去の実績も一括変換したいと思います。)
  2. 過去のイベントをカレンダーで参照したいことがよくあります。この場合に、時差があるといつのイベントだったか直感的に理解できません。以下のいずれかの機能を実現できませんか? 特に米国では国内で時差があるので、将来の予定もたとえば、EDT(東海岸夏時間)で登録してしまうと、PDT(太平洋夏時間)にいるときは、何時の予定だったのか、とても、わかりにくく、予定が確認しづらくなります。
2.1 表示時に一旦時差を変えて表示する。- timezoneをいじって表示して戻せば良いのですが、面倒です。
2.2 渡航予定をタイムゾーン入りで登録して、その旅行期間にあわせて予定を現地のタイムゾーンで表示する。カレンダー上にタイムゾーンも表示されると便利です。
Google calenderのリクエストサイト(英語)に以下のように要望を投げておきました。

Help forum > Calendar > Feature requests > Batch Timezone Shifting and Trip View

Title: Batch Timezone Shifting and Trip View

Our schedule is registered in Google calender in Global time. It is fine, because even  when we travel  among different timezones, we do not see any schedule overlap. (ie., If we fly from Japan to US, we experience the same time twice.)

But in some situation, it is not very convenient for me. I propose two things:

1. Shifting timezone of schedules in some specified period.
    I entered a week of travel schedules in PDT (pacific) by mistake.
    But the schedules were actually in EDT (eastern).
    It is inconvenient for me to correct them one by one.
    Please provide a feature to change timezone of schedules of a specified period with a single operation.

2. Travel View
    When we enter the schedule of travel in destination timezone,
    it is quite inconvenient for me to check the schedule, because as far as we are in PDT the 
    schedule in EDT is shown in PDT. (eg., we have a lunch at 9:00AM).
    We need to convert time in mind to re-organize or
    remind the schedules. It is natural for us to consider the schedules on the destination timezone.

   Could you add the feature to enter travel plan in Google Map, such as May1 JST to June 1 11:00AM PDT
   in PDT,  June 1 11:00AM PDT to June 10 5:00PM EDT in EDT, etc?
   Here,  we use the specified timezone as a default timezone within the period.
   Then we can treat our schedule quite natural even we travels all over the world.

3.  Past Schedules.
    Please apply the request 1. "Shifting",  2 "Travel View" to past schedules.
    I sometime want to review previous schedules.
    Some schedules ware in different timezone. It is again convenient for me
    to show the previous schedule in the timezone where we were then.
    And I have some mistakes in timezone entry of past schedules too.


Help forum > Calendar > Feature requests > Modification of Post

 Modification of Post

I tried to edit (correct) of my post.

But what I can do is update or delete.
When I update the post, new post is attached to previous post. It is hard to read.
When I delete the post, I have to re-enter the whole post from category, title, etc.

Could you add the feature to REAL edit feature of the post?

Otherwise, the feature to replacing the hole post with revised sentence.
In this case, what we need to do is copy the previous post and past into the edit window
and modify it. Not much work.

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