2011年11月26日土曜日: Black Fridayの高級モールの様子Tesla Model S) メーカーの情報サイトは以下 http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2011/autos/1111/gallery.tesla_model_s_electric/index.html
このショールームには、Tesla Model Sのボディ(Body)とドライブトレインプラットフォーム(Drive Train Platform)の2つのモデルだけが展示されていた。ステアリングもサスペンションもドライブトレイン、フレーム構造もかなり良く考えられていると思う。
値段) http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2011/autos/1111/gallery.tesla_model_s_electric/6.html
追加座席) http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2011/autos/1111/gallery.tesla_model_s_electric/3.html
Batteries are located in the passenger space. By locating batteries which is the dominant mass of the car here, the model realizes low center of gravity, matching rotation center of the cornering and the center of gravity, high frame stiffness. All of these contribute excellent handing. Drive train is very simple due to no engine.
Batteries are located in the passenger space. By locating batteries which is the dominant mass of the car here, the model realizes low center of gravity, matching rotation center of the cornering and the center of gravity, high frame stiffness. All of these contribute excellent handing. Drive train is very simple due to no engine.
Rear の写真。駆動系は、RR-リアモータ(Rear Motor)、リアドライブ(Rear Drive)である。
If both cylinders are motor, both rear wheels are independently drived by two motors. The independent drive would be combined with sophisticated traction control by each wheel and improve cornering stability further.
If both cylinders are motor, both rear wheels are independently drived by two motors. The independent drive would be combined with sophisticated traction control by each wheel and improve cornering stability further.
サス(Suspension) はマルチリンク(Multi-Link)。リンクはアルミダイキャストの模様。スチールのプレスではなく、コストを掛けている。
伸びきっているのもあろうがダンパー(Damper: ショックアブソーバ)が非常に大きい。
Suspensions are in Multi-link geometry, Lins seem to be made of aluminum die-cast and seems to pay cost for performance. Damper is large even considering that it is fully extended without load.
Suspensions are in Multi-link geometry, Lins seem to be made of aluminum die-cast and seems to pay cost for performance. Damper is large even considering that it is fully extended without load.
テスラのモータ(Motor)のカットモデル(Cut Model)
フロント(Front)はハイマウント型のダブルウィッシュボーン(High Mounted Double Wish Bone Suspension)。
実存転舵軸であり、実際の転舵軸(Steer axis)とタイヤ(Tire)の接地中心(理想の操舵軸)のずれ(Hub level offset) が小さいので、操舵に必要な力が軽減されると同時に、転舵軸が操舵に専念できるため正確な操舵が可能になると思われる。
フロントのサスはローアアーム(Lower Arm)が2本のリンクなので、厳密にはマルチリンクと呼ぶのだろう。
Tire actual steer axis (king pin center) and ideal steering axis are very close. In another word, hub level offset is small. It is realized by additional pivot in upper arms and lower arms. This enables acculate handling.
フロントのサスはローアアーム(Lower Arm)が2本のリンクなので、厳密にはマルチリンクと呼ぶのだろう。
Tire actual steer axis (king pin center) and ideal steering axis are very close. In another word, hub level offset is small. It is realized by additional pivot in upper arms and lower arms. This enables acculate handling.
Front suspension is High mounted multi-link. The lower arms are consists of two links.
左側にサス(Suspension)の2つの上部リンク(Two upper linkes) が見える。
ディスクブレーキは前後輪ともベンチレーテッドディスクで、ブレーキロータ(Brake Disk) の直径は、かなり大きい。
The drive train in the rear is very compact. No inverter is seen. Inverter is normally located close to motor and is very large. It might be not installed in the model.
We can rotate the tire very lightly. The rotation of one side of rear tire does not propagate to the other side, which tells that non-slip differential is not installed.
All four brakes are ventilated disk brake whose brake disk is very large.
The drive train in the rear is very compact. No inverter is seen. Inverter is normally located close to motor and is very large. It might be not installed in the model.
We can rotate the tire very lightly. The rotation of one side of rear tire does not propagate to the other side, which tells that non-slip differential is not installed.
All four brakes are ventilated disk brake whose brake disk is very large.
後輪。ブレーキロータ(ないしはBrake Disk) は露出しておらず、外側に保護パネル(panel) がある模様。奥側を見るとブレーキロータは普通のサイズにも見える。デモプロトタイプなので、実車とは異なるのかもしれない。
2011年11月27日日曜日:日産LeafはなぜRRにしなかったのか? 車重が重いのは損